Here's just a small sample of our referring Dentists feedback...

I have worked with Dr Currie on a professional basis for many years.  Not only is he an exemplary clinician, but his levels of professionalism are exceptional.  Every single one of my patients has been cared for in an efficient and timely manner.  He is an absolute gentleman, and always finds the time to offer advice.  He also offers personalised feedback on the outcome of every single case I send, which is incredibly reassuring.  

Thank you for all your hard work!

- Dr Guy Laffan - Laffan Dental Care


I have used the services of  Dr Cameron Currie for some time at my practice for helping me treat patients requiring complex root canal treatment.
Cameron is always helpful in reviewing radiographs prior to making a referral or for even some advice on cases.
The patients that are cared for by Cameron have always given me positive feedback about their treatment.  All my patients return back to me with an appropriate letter and radiograph which usually arrives at my surgery before my patients do.
The referral pathway is very easy and simple to help with digital workflow and all my referrals are contacted swiftly and have things explain to them prior to any consultation with Cameron. I have no problem in recommending Cameron to my colleagues and patients alike and I will continue to do so in the future!

- Dr Craig Lewis


Great service from an amazing Endodontist. I feel really happy when I refer my patients to Cameron as I know they will be looked after clinically and personally. As a busy GDP I found that Cameron has made a great change to the way we can refer for a secondary care. We had the pleasure of in house seminar with detailed explanations about day to day tips for dental practitioners dealing with root canal treatments. Referral procedure is so simple and easy. All our patients that have been referred to Cameron have given us an amazing feed back to how professional and amazing great work done by Cameron and how they felt very comfortable during courses of treatments.

- Dr Raid Ali